Practical Magic

A lot of times in our dealings with the Other Side we end up running around looking for the most powerful & exotic magical items.  When we're going through a hard time we can end up buying every single "witchy" book we can get our hands on or break the bank to get every type of crystal, incense, or herb out there.

The Universe, in its infinite (and usually quirky) wisdom, provides us with plenty of great magical items, easily obtainable, cheap, and all around us- usually right under our noses. 

I'm not saying that we shouldn't use & research esoteric items, just that in my own personal journey I've found a lot of people can be very effective using the simplest things.  It all depends on the situation and how much you're putting into it. 

I'm reminded of something I heard in Voodoo once, about making offerings to the Loa (divine Voodoo entities).  You're supposed to give them some sort of food or object when calling upon them to show respect.  There was a list of every Loa and the items they liked.  But I was also told, "It's not so much WHAT the offering is, but HOW it is given."  So, I get the impression that they can be very pleased with a small or meager offering, as long as it comes from a loving and sincere heart.

I feel that spell items can be used the same way, even if something seems "ordinary", if it has great emotional pull for you, if you feel it can be useful, that thing can work wonders if it ignites the proper feelings and gets you to focus on the right things.  Even if you're not at a place with an altar or even doing a spell, these little things can be great. 

One of my fave go-to things are really intense & moving films.  In this one really deep spiritual book I have, the author tells stories about her own life also and keeps talking about this one film that really inspires her.  It's called "Rudy", it's about a kid who dreams of playing pro football but his family and everyone tell him he's not good enough & too small.  He keeps on believing in himself, and finally gets his wish.  That writer lady watches that film over & over, says it's helped her so much to accomplish her own goals. Seriously, she goes on and on and on about it and she doesn't even play football or sports of any kind!  But, it served its purpose well.   It helped inspire her to be the damn successful writer she is today. 

A movie scene or character can either be "just a movie" or your new lifecoach.  It's all about perspective.  Watch films more closely, figure out what's *really* going on, what they're really saying to you. 

Movies also work well as what Anton Lavey calls the "Intellectual Decompression Chamber"- this term means a ritual room full of symbols, candles, colours- a place where you leave all your "ordinary life" thinking at the door and step into pure imagination. 

Films are a great mini-version of this- I often watch the appropriate ones before or after a ritual to cement my feelings, or play key scenes during.  The right film can touch you so deeply that you're totally "in the zone" for whatever magic you're working.  They're so full of amazing sounds, dialogue, imagery that they fill you up with magical energy & there's no room left for thinking about the rude coworker or rainy day, or that whole "this stuff isn't real" feeling. 

Another simple tool is everywhere, for free:  water.  If you can't find any candles or incense, a bowl of water will do.  Use hot water for passionate spells & getting in touch with spirits (I think they draw energy from the heat).  Icy cool water is good for meditation/calming rituals- just focus on its stillness & sprinkle some on your body to get in that calm & relaxed vibe.  On my personal altar, there's always water- the source of all life, including us. 

Speaking of altars, a lot of awesome altar items can be found at your local dollarstore.  Especially the crafts & kids' sections.  So many shiny things, little porcelain angels or animals, even sparkly wands!  Plus for the extra fun, go to the paint section and you can customize that stuff with all kinds of symbols or anything you like.  I know of one famous Witch who wanted a metal Pentacle but found all the ones for sale too expensive.  So instead she bought one of those flat discs you put underneath potted plants, turned it upside down, and drew a Pentacle on it.  From what she says, it's worked in her spells fabulously.

Also, an acquaintance of mine got so into doing this that she's even writing a little magical handbook called "The Dollarstore Witch".  Plus, the childlike joy that crafting brings will only add to your power :-)

Next simple thing: Music.  It doesn't need to be the typical New Age or folky kind- just whatever speaks to you, gets your passion pumping.  Just look through your CD collection- you've probably got a whole Apothecary of magical music all ready to go!  Music videos too. 

One I use is the album "Utopia" by Serena Ryder, songs are beautiful and can be interpreted in so many ways. I just feel embraced by the Universe whenever I put it on.  Also, I think my repeated enjoyment this little number was a strong factor in the serendipity of me getting to see her live- for free.  What speaks to you?  Plus, I find most "magical music" is especially magic in the bedroom too, which is a nice little plus. 

Gotta digress a little here, but going back to movie characters one for me is Tank Girl.  She's stylish, badass & not afraid of anything.  Some might say "Yeah but that's cause she's got a tank and machine guns and a whole posse".  Fuck no.  She was laughing and joking around even locked up in a torture chamber.  Plus, looking at her you can just tell that, even if she were totally alone and despised, Tank Girl would still be Tank Girl, 100%.  Go watch it soon as you're done reading this :D

Kay, back onto topic:  the last but not least "ordinary magic" item I'll talk about is a Vision Board- a big thingy on my kitchen wall with pictures of all I'm thankful for & am intent on manifesting.  I know you've probably heard this one so many times you're sick of it but seriously, you see those pics everyday, they get into your mind subconsciously, and stuff happens.  All from a piece of Bristol Board, some magazine clippings & Scotch tape. 

In conclusion, speaking of the 1997 movie this article got it's name from, I love it.  Maybe it's just "Hollywood Witchcraft" but I'm sure there's a little something extra in there.  Just like how one of the characters says, "There's a little Witch in all of us." 

Happy creating. 


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