Quick & Dirty
Here's some little bits of wisdom and life lessons that served me well. Instead of a big college-level essay about each one I found they can all be broken down pretty simple, Fortune Cookie-style:
- If you want to find a really magical and profound book, look for the one that no one else is reading or talks about. Occult means "hidden". You'll know it when you see it.
- When you want to be weird, do it with pride. Sure, some people won't like it, but *nobody* likes a person who feels they have to apologize for their very existence. And if they're the type of person who lashes out at people who are different, that's a sure sign they're bad news.
- Your destiny isn't determined by what you have or where you're at, but on how you decide to think and act on it on a daily basis.
- Can't get over an asshole ex? Here's a simple spell: take something you still have laying around that reminds you of them (ie- a love letter they sent you, or the piece of paper they wrote their number on when you first met, etc), put it in a jar filled with milk and then hide it somewhere. Milk has powerful positive, nuturing, and sexual connotations. However, as the milk spoils, it will become a disgusting awful-smelling thing which the thing that is emotionally linked to your ex will be soaked in. This will effectively transform this object you clung onto for so long because of all the memories into something disgusting and gross you want to get out of your house asap. If done with enough emotion, you will start to think of the person involved in the same way. :D
- Some of the best books you'll ever read are found in the bargain bin
- "Image is Important"- yes it is, but it's not just your clothes or body. A compelling image is built ALSO by having useful unique skills, being seen networking with the right people, and doing something that you're really passionate about. Living life passionately gives a sparkle that is very attractive. (But I've found that mysticism tends to attract really good looking people, so you probably don't have to worry about this much)
- A friend who doesn't share in your joy when you tell them about a guy or girl you just got involved with is probably not your friend
- Visualization works in the same way you have a wet dream, or wake up shaking and sweating from a nightmare. The mind can't tell the differene between "real" and "imaginary" experiences. Figure this one out for yourself.
- "It doesn't matter if something is real, what matters is if it's true." - Jane Mendellsohn, "Innocence"
(A book I got for 99 cents :D)
- You can tell a person's character not just by what they do, but how they act when they don't know what to do.
- Bullies are actually scared of fights. That's why they go after smaller or "weaker" people. Even a frightened, feeble punch against someone twice your size can make them think twice about ever fucking you again. They're too insecure to mess with someone who they know fights back. I've seen this happen many times.
- Your bed is an Altar too. The first and last place we are in every day affects us strongly. Every magician should have the most beautiful bedding to their taste that they can manage. It's good for your vibe.
- Easy way to tell a fake psychic: they introduce some "very important" topic or some "pending doom" towards the end of the session, which will require you to book another session to sort it out.
- Easy way to lucid dream: every now and then, pull on your finger. Make this into a habit. In a dream, your finger will stretch out like bubble gum. Then you'll know.
- The sickest kind of hypocrite is the person in a relationship who tells lonely single people that "you don't need a relationship to be happy" and "they're not everything" but can't stop going on and on about how great theirs are.
- A person who criticizes your faults MAY be truthful. A person who criticizes your improvement of those faults is an idiot.
- If there's anything you're doing that you keep secret from the people you look up to, chances are it's not good for you.
- Today's fantasies are tomorrow's memories.
- If you want to hook up with a guy/girl and fuck their brains out, go for a smart one. It'll last longer.
- If you want to find a really magical and profound book, look for the one that no one else is reading or talks about. Occult means "hidden". You'll know it when you see it.
- When you want to be weird, do it with pride. Sure, some people won't like it, but *nobody* likes a person who feels they have to apologize for their very existence. And if they're the type of person who lashes out at people who are different, that's a sure sign they're bad news.
- Your destiny isn't determined by what you have or where you're at, but on how you decide to think and act on it on a daily basis.
- Can't get over an asshole ex? Here's a simple spell: take something you still have laying around that reminds you of them (ie- a love letter they sent you, or the piece of paper they wrote their number on when you first met, etc), put it in a jar filled with milk and then hide it somewhere. Milk has powerful positive, nuturing, and sexual connotations. However, as the milk spoils, it will become a disgusting awful-smelling thing which the thing that is emotionally linked to your ex will be soaked in. This will effectively transform this object you clung onto for so long because of all the memories into something disgusting and gross you want to get out of your house asap. If done with enough emotion, you will start to think of the person involved in the same way. :D
- Some of the best books you'll ever read are found in the bargain bin
- "Image is Important"- yes it is, but it's not just your clothes or body. A compelling image is built ALSO by having useful unique skills, being seen networking with the right people, and doing something that you're really passionate about. Living life passionately gives a sparkle that is very attractive. (But I've found that mysticism tends to attract really good looking people, so you probably don't have to worry about this much)
- A friend who doesn't share in your joy when you tell them about a guy or girl you just got involved with is probably not your friend
- Visualization works in the same way you have a wet dream, or wake up shaking and sweating from a nightmare. The mind can't tell the differene between "real" and "imaginary" experiences. Figure this one out for yourself.
- "It doesn't matter if something is real, what matters is if it's true." - Jane Mendellsohn, "Innocence"
(A book I got for 99 cents :D)
- You can tell a person's character not just by what they do, but how they act when they don't know what to do.
- Bullies are actually scared of fights. That's why they go after smaller or "weaker" people. Even a frightened, feeble punch against someone twice your size can make them think twice about ever fucking you again. They're too insecure to mess with someone who they know fights back. I've seen this happen many times.
- Your bed is an Altar too. The first and last place we are in every day affects us strongly. Every magician should have the most beautiful bedding to their taste that they can manage. It's good for your vibe.
- Easy way to tell a fake psychic: they introduce some "very important" topic or some "pending doom" towards the end of the session, which will require you to book another session to sort it out.
- Easy way to lucid dream: every now and then, pull on your finger. Make this into a habit. In a dream, your finger will stretch out like bubble gum. Then you'll know.
- The sickest kind of hypocrite is the person in a relationship who tells lonely single people that "you don't need a relationship to be happy" and "they're not everything" but can't stop going on and on about how great theirs are.
- A person who criticizes your faults MAY be truthful. A person who criticizes your improvement of those faults is an idiot.
- If there's anything you're doing that you keep secret from the people you look up to, chances are it's not good for you.
- Today's fantasies are tomorrow's memories.
- If you want to hook up with a guy/girl and fuck their brains out, go for a smart one. It'll last longer.
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