Homeland Security

24 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’25 When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. 26 Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.”
                                                                                 - LUKE 11:24-26, New International Version


I chose to start off with this Bible quote because all spiritual books have some wisdom in them, even if just metaphorically.  This quote I find is a good, solid warning: if we don't make the effort everyday to keep positive thoughts & good habits after we've changed our lives, the bad stuff we "cast out" can come back stronger and bite us in the ass. 

I'm here to stop that from happening. 

The analogy of a man's mind like a house and the demons as burglars that break in is a great one.  Personally, I'm using this passage to refer to "inner demons": negative thought patterns, addictions, bad habits, toxic relationships. 

So let's examine it: the man in the story had the demon cast out.  He was free.  But that demon and seven more came back in, leaving him much worse.  You might wonder: if he was all "swept clean and orderly", how'd they get back in? 

After reading this a couple times I noticed something: the house was "swept clean and in order" but to me, it also sounds empty and there's nothing going on.  No people inside guarding it, no alarm system.  There was nothing PROTECTING it.  

I've experienced this myself: did a 180 turnaround and threw out bad people, bad habits, bad everything.  I felt great.  I filled up my "homeland", my mind, with art and writing, new friends, fun & adventure.  But then I got lazy. 

I stopped working on my art, couldn't be bothered.  I read tons of books about meditation but was too lazy to actually get up and do it in the mornings.  Had no solid routine.  I also stopped hanging around those who were good for me.  I may have been "clean & swept" but I was empty and vulnerable.  The space filled up with even more depression.  Sitting around & doing drugs at home replaced working on the 2nd draft of my book that I so wanted to complete.  And that whole empty aimless setup let in bad people & terrifying situations.  I realized what was happening and if I kept on, I'd end up worse off that before, just like the guy in the Bible story. 

Even after we get better, those bad things still exist in the world , those bad thoughts can be triggered again.  And, just like a bunch of burglars "casing the joint", evil can find a weak spot to get back in.  

For me, the weak spot was my stagnating, doing nothing.  I decided to have a SECURE mind, not just a clean one.  

Now I have one.  My "guards" are these things: meditation & yoga every morning, a 30-page point form plot list of my book to work from (with days written in my Organizer set to work on it), and my third Guard is doing public Tarot readings at local venues.  

They helped like this: The meditation & yoga are great for my health and bought down my anxiety and depression, giving me a clearer mind, energy & motivation.  Now I wake up cheerful, excited to do it (it's great for your health and seriously addictive, trust me).  Working on writing got me out of the house more and the joy of working on it made realize how good it feels to be organized and in charge of your own time.  And the public Tarot readings are helping me meet new people, affirm my gifts, and hone a new skill.  

All three have been great at preventing evil from breaking back in.  

My "Alarm System" is my friends and my Organizer book I take with me everywhere.  I keep in touch with them and go over my Organizer book every morning and night.  I know what I'm supposed to do and how I'm budgeting my money, what it's being spent on.  My friends can tell if I'm going down a bad path and warn me.  So can my Organizer- if there's a shitload of "to do lists" that never got done or a shitload of stupid purchases I made, something's obviously wrong.  

So, there you have it.  Anyone who's let go of the bad stuff- Congradulations!  Just be sure to remember to have a set routine that suits you, a clear plan of how you want to live, and to make friends with the type of people you'd like to become.  

That way, after your positive changes, you stay active, happy, and most importantly- Secure.  


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