
Showing posts from October, 2017

Flow or Go Home

Everyone gets hurt by rejection from someone they considered a potential friend- that feeling that someone thinks you're not good enough to hang out with them.  Or worse, the feeling that NOBODY thinks so.  It's not an easy thing to deal with, but I've found an easy way to turn it around. I got the idea while reading a magazine article about a gang of punk skateboarder girls from LA called The Hags.  They had a simple motto when it came to who could join their group, "Flow or go home".  This meant that if someone wasn't down with their "flow"- their vibe, the way they lived and did things, then they weren't welcome.  Simple. These girls were badass.  They lived for skateboarding, punk shows, and going on crazy adventures.  And one rule of the group was that every new member had to make their own patch with the group's logo on it, to sew on the back of their jacket.  Each person had do DIY their own unique handmade version of the group...

Quick & Dirty

Here's some little bits of wisdom and life lessons that served me well.  Instead of a big college-level essay about each one I found they can all be broken down pretty simple, Fortune Cookie-style: - If you want to find a really magical and profound book, look for the one that no one else is reading or talks about.  Occult means "hidden".  You'll know it when you see it. - When you want to be weird, do it with pride.  Sure, some people won't like it, but *nobody* likes a person who feels they have to apologize for their very existence.  And if they're the type of person who lashes out at people who are different, that's a sure sign they're bad news. - Your destiny isn't determined by what you have or where you're at, but on how you decide to think and act on it on a daily basis. - Can't get over an asshole ex?  Here's a simple spell: take something you still have laying around that reminds you of them (ie- a love letter they s...

Challenging the Impossible- for real

A while back I saw a poster for a free documentary showing.  It was a New Age film that said it was about miracles and would “Change your life” and make you “Believe in the impossible”. I went and realized it seemed kind of cultish.  All of the members seemed brainwashed and worshiping the “Leader” who made the documentary.  In it, he said he achieved supernatural powers through meditation and things like that, and could perform miracles and had super powers.    I watched him doing these supposed “powers” and it was clearly a hoax.  Then I remembered I had read about this guy online before and he was a total cult-leading scammer.  I asked the followers if they believed his powers were real and they were all like “Yes!  He is holy!  He is divine!” and the documentary was full of people saying the same, totally deceived.  I left freaked out and will not be going back. In a weird way, though, I liked the film.  It really d...

Let go, then hold on

Lots of people discuss happiness in terms of "Letting go"- of expectations, bad memories, resentment, or whatever.  Yes, that is necessary but I've started to see things a little differently.  Happiness doesn't just come from letting go, it's also about "Holding On"   This whole focus on "Letting go" of the bad things, if focused on too much of letting go of the bad, you might instead focus too much on these things and attract more of them. Your mind is like a container, you can fill it with good or bad.  Sure, you need to empty out the bad but then you need to fill it up with good, to make no more space for bad feelings to come flowing back in. And also, an empty container is useless. So, yes, "Let Go" but also, "Hold On".   Hold on. Fill yourself up. Take back control and hold on to the good- the things that *did* work out, the victories, the words of a good friend, even the good times from people who are no longe...

Back to the Jungle?

One thing that needs to change in our society is that t here are little, if any, meaningful challenges anywhere Anytime someone steps out to try something new, even just a little, a bunch of idiots try to shove them back. People who dress different are laughed at, A person who has any kind of artistic ambition is automatically told they'll fail by people who never even bothered to look at their work. Any student who decides to take a year off and travel is told they'll probably get kidnapped or murdered, and if they take the year off their financial and educational future will be ruined. Back in the day, things were different.   In the ancient tribes, when a boy reached a certain age he'd be given a spear, and left in the jungle for three days.  He'd brave the unknown,  learn about the world and himself. When he returned to the tribe, there would be a huge celebration for him and he would be welcomed back into the tribe as a man.   (Not...

City Life

While on vacation in London, England I got into a conversation with a street preacher. He started giving me the usual "this world is going to hell" speech how the  modern world and big cities are so godless, spiritually "crushing" and without  firm morals and tradition.  He wished for an old-fashioned, small-town life- the kind his grandparents  once  had, and wished we could all go back to that kind of life. Although I understand and agree with some of his position, I think modern big-city life is better overall. Mainly beause of this: In the old days, your social and mental foundations were all set up for you: you'd come from a Christian background with strong moral values, everyone abides by the same rules, you'd live close to your family your whole life, and carry on the family farm or general store after your parents died. A safe and secure system, sure, but at a price- there's much less room for initiative. There's always a chance you may ...

On Miracles

There's a lot of debate in both the spiritual and secular world about what's a miracle and what's not, or if they're even real.  People seem to squabble over this always.  I'm not even going to attempt to answer that question, but I'll just tell you a story about something neat I saw recently.  At a spiritual centre, where people come for guidance, I was sitting there listening to the speaker in my chair and a man tapped me on the shoulder, telling me to come outside with him.  Outside there was a lady coming out of her car, and he said he needed me to help her.  She was very overweight, walking unsteadily, pale and unhealthy.  He needed to help her up the stairs and I needed to carry her bags in.  My heart really went out to her.   She said she wanted prayer for healing, she had breathing trouble as she spoke and a tube in her nostrils, so a circle of people were around her, laying their hands on her.  I joined in. That same lady...

Sparkles in the dark

Sparkles in the dark When we're going after something we want and it doesn't seem to be working out: a good job, a new house, a decent relationship or whatever, we get discouraged.  Sure, I'm the same way but I've learned something. This might sound a little weird but I'll try my best to explain: often, when it's taking too long, the Universe sends us tiny little sparkles of positivity in the midst off all the shit going on, messages that good things are on the way.  But we're usually too negative to notice them, or fail to see what they have to do with anything.  We need to focus on these little sparkles, because they show us the possibilities available if we choose to keep going. One example: a few years back I started a job at a call centre where you call people up and conduct surveys.  They did reviews every six months and if you managed to get a lot of surveys done, you got a raise.  You started on minimum wage and but could go way up, and I want...

Message from Hogwarts?

One night last week I was thinking of going to a party instead of a seminar I planned on attending.  Nothing wrong with partying, I love to party, but my intuition told me I was “slacking off” because I’d been really out of alignment that week and really needed something to help me get back on the right path and living the way I should.   I felt like I should really leave the party till another time and go to the spiritual seminar instead, as it was important to get myself back on track and living at my best.  Skipping it tonight would have just thrown me  of f. It took a LOT of self-control, but I felt I had to do what I knew was right for that time.  So, despite the strong temptation and “fear  of  missing out”, I decided to go there  instead and chose another party the following week instead.  While walking to the seminar through the night, I noticed a group  of  people going “Oh my  God !” and taking pictures...

This is life

Greetings and blessings, I'd like to start off this blog with my reasons for taking this path. For most of my life I was a total skeptic, but Since 2008, after a spiritual awakening that occured through meditation, I've noticed there was much more to life than we can see, analyze, or measure.  So I devoted myself to learning about all things magical: dream interpretation, tarot, reading Occult books, and above all, believing in a sentient, loving Universe that has our back no matter what. Since then, it's changed me for the better.  I still struggle, I am unemployed due to PTSD I've had since childhood but I can thank the Universe that I'm not where I used to be.  Communing with the Other Side has lead me to great help, great opportunities, and exciting paths. Of course people were less than supportive.  I was bombarded by stuff like "It's not real!" "It's not scientific!" "People only get into that stuff cause it looks exciting and ...